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A suicide safety plan can be a valuable resource for those dealing with difficult emotions or suicidal thoughts.

Here’s a template you can use. It’s essential to approach this process with empathy, understanding, and non-judgment. Encourage open communication and be a supportive presence for the person you are helping. If you’re unsure about how to handle a specific situation, don’t hesitate to seek advice from mental health professionals or organisations experienced in providing support to those in crisis.

A Suicide Safety Plan

  • Warning Signs: List the warning signs that may indicate someone is at risk. These could include feelings of hopelessness, withdrawal from loved ones, talking about suicide, or sudden changes in behavior.
  • Internal Coping Strategies: Identify internal coping strategies that the individual can use when they start to feel overwhelmed or distressed. These strategies might include deep breathing exercises, mindfulness techniques, or positive self-talk.
  • Social Contacts: List names and contact information of supportive friends, family members, or professionals whom the person can reach out to when they need someone to talk to or seek help.
  • Professional Help: Include contact information for mental health professionals, crisis hotlines, or helplines that can provide immediate assistance in case of a crisis.
  • Distractions and Activities: List activities that the person finds enjoyable or relaxing. These can be used as distractions during difficult times or to help lift their mood.
  •  Safe Environment: Identify a safe place where the person can go when they need to be alone and away from any potential harm or triggers.
  • Reasons to Live: Write down reasons why life is worth living and worth fighting for. These could be personal goals, dreams, or things that bring joy and meaning to their life.
  • Removing Means: If the person has access to any means that could be used for self-harm, work together to create a plan for safely removing or limiting access to them.
  • Emergency Contacts: List emergency contacts, including local emergency services (e.g., police or ambulance), along with nearby hospitals or crisis centers.
  • Reaching Out for Help: Discuss the importance of reaching out to others for support and not keeping their feelings to themselves.

Remember, a suicide safety plan is not a substitute for professional help. Encourage the person to seek support from mental health professionals who can provide proper evaluation and treatment.