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Our mission is simple.

ZERO suicides among men across Wales and empowering their mental health.

It's concerning that males are 3.9 times more likely to die by suicide in Wales than females* And it's an astonishing fact that male suicide rates in Wales have outpaced England over decades*

We want to do something about it.

A place to turn for help.

Men of all ages across Wales are affected by poor mental health, hindering their ability to live fulfilling lives. Unfortunately, even with so much in the media about mental health many men feel the need to remain “strong and in control,” believing that struggling or seeking help is ‘unmanly and weak’. This societal pressure can prevent men from looking for the support they need, contributing to the high suicide rate among men.

Connecting with reliable resources, support and signposting is a vital form of self help, but ‘a one-stop shop’ is sadly lacking in Wales. There isn’t one main port of call. Too often, men feel that they don’t know where to turn, which only exacerbates their mental health struggles. This is where Helpu. comes in.

We aim to be THE destination for men’s mental wellbeing information in Wales.

What we do.

Despite life throwing us major challenges, there are still many things we can do to take care of ourselves. Helpu offers unique content and signposts to trustworthy resources to help men in Wales live happier and healthier lives, regardless of the obstacles they may face. We want to help men develop better strategies so they have the knowledge and support they need to address their mental health problems, rather than trying to go it alone.

A non-profit kickstarted by those who want to make a change.

Why we do it.

We have been founded by those who have been where you have been. Yes its that simple. we want to make a difference so those around us suffer less. We have been impacted by the deaths of those around us due to suicide and we have each suffered with our mental health in some way. It means a lot to us to help others.

*Data source – Office for National Statistics (ONS). Suicide refers to deaths where the underlying cause is intentional self-harm and events of undetermined intent. Data represents suicide registrations. Increases/decreases are based on one year of data. These may not indicate longer term trends and may not be statistically significant. Overall rates for male, female and all persons are age standardised. *Office for National Statistics (ONS), released 06 September 2022, ONS website, statistical bulletin, Suicides in England and Wales: 2021 registrations.